Useful Information For Parents & Carers
All the information to support a young person in the group
Our Fees
Our current subscription fee is £120 per annum.
We prefer a monthly payment option of £10 a month to make it more affordable, and our sessions run from September to June. This fee is to cover general costs of running our weekly meetings as well as annual payments to The Scout Association and our local Scout region.
All payments' should be set-up and paid via direct debit.
Scouts Scotland Membership Fee, This years Scouts Scotland membership which is paid from your subscription to the group is £46 per member.
Additional costs for activities and camps are separate from the subscription fee.
However, we want Scouts to be acceible to all, so please any issuse please contact us.
Our uniforms are designed to be comfy and practical, as well as showing that we all belong to the same group. Each section has a top half uniform (poloshirt/shirt/blouse and sweatshirt) which is combined with a group neckie. For section specific information about uniform as well as a list of suppliers, use the buttons below.​

Each Group has it's own neckie and the neckie of the 31st Ayrshire (Loans) Group is the MacKenzie Tartan.
​​All items are required, unless stated otherwise.
Blue, with badges sewn on to show off all your Beaver’s achievements. Blue Polo Shirt (Optional)
Group Neckie
Ours is MacKenzie Tartan
Made of plastic, leather or wood and stops the neckie from unravelling.
​​All items are required, unless stated otherwise.
Green, with badges sewn on to show off all your Beaver’s achievements. Blue Polo Shirt (Optional)
Group Neckie
Ours is MacKenzie Tartan
Made of plastic, leather or wood and stops the neckie from unravelling.


​​All items are required, unless stated otherwise.
Shirt / Blouse
Green, with badges sewn on to show off all your scouting achievements
Group Neckie
Ours is MacKenzie Tartan
Made of plastic, leather or wood and stops the neckie from unravelling.
​​All items are required, unless stated otherwise.
Shirt / Blouse
Green, with badges sewn on to show off all your scouting achievements
Group Neckie
Ours is MacKenzie Tartan
Made of plastic, leather or wood and stops the neckie from unravelling.
Uniforms can be purchased