​The Beaver Colony is the first and youngest section of our Scout Group. Beavers is a great place for young children between the ages of 6 and 8 years old to get started in the world of Scouting, and start taking part in weekly meetings and organised events. Beavers routinely take part in days out, sleepovers and camps.
Working through the huge list of badges avaliable to Beavers can lead them on exciting adventures and gain confidence as they explore the world around them.
All while making friends that can last a lifetime!
Our Beavers section runs on Tuesday night from 6.15pm - 7.15pm
and operates a term time schedule.
Section is lead by Beavers Leaders:
Hazel McQuiston
Gillian Docherty
David McKenna
Please contact us, if you have any questions or you wish your child to come join us